Register Guests for Contact Tracing
Contact Tracing will be a requirement for many organisations and business that will begin operating once Governments ease Covid-19 restrictions.
This will require business to keep records of visitors to there establishment on a given day and time.
The Register smart phone application makes registering a visitor quick and easily at a low cost with your own hardware.

How Does it Work?
You simply position the ID document so it is within the camera view then capture it, it will read the First Name and Surname of the ID and then request you add a contact phone number or email address.
Once a visitor is scanned by the application you will no longer be required to add the
contact details again. This increases the scanning speed over time.
Alerts to visitors can be sent directly from the application or the secure web portal via a free SMS or email on the day of the detected case.
Registered Charity Organisations
Included for existing Patronscan customers at no extra charge. As an added effort to combat
Covid-19. Charity Organisations can contact us for a free account.
- Unlimited Scans
- Included with Patronscan
- Supports IOS
- Free for Charity Organisations
$79 AUD per month
Billed annually
Protect your patrons and employees with a low-cost solution for contact tracing. No limits on COVID-19 alerts.
- Unlimited Scans
- Single Location
- Supports IOS
- Save 20%
$99 AUD per month
Billed monthly
Protect your patrons and employees with a low-cost solution for contact tracing. No limits on COVID-19 alerts.
- Unlimited Scans
- Single Location
- Supports IOS
- Cancel Anytime